SEO Roundup / Links For The Week (06-04-08)
June 4th, 2008 This is a roundup of some of the links I have found while doing research or just goofing off. All them open in a new window / tab because I want to keep you here as long as possible.!!
Tips To Help Identify A Hacked Blog – A quick look at how Google can help identify a hacked blog.
Debunked: Only The 1st Anchor Text Counts With Google – If you have two links to the same page, which one counts? Thumbs up!!
Site Network Stealth and Uses: Hiding from Google and Competitors – A few tips on how to hide from Google, I can’t confirm or deny (laugh) any of these methods, but I suggest you read so you have something to talk about at those boring conventions.
Four Signs of a Great Search Engine Optimizer – As if we needed help spotting the great ones. All the same, here are some decent tips to help you out.
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