Gain RSS Subscribers Using Comments On Other Blogs?
June 17th, 2008 Have you ever been reading comments then clicked the author’s name link to find out more about the owner? What if this link pointed to a post related to the one you were just reading? Could you see yourself reading it and then continuing to browse around for more related content? Can you see yourself subscribing to this blog’s RSS feed to stay up-to-date on future material? What if that blogger was you? I wouldn’t go as far as saying it will be your most successful method, but getting them there to read your content is usually the hardest part.
When I wrote pagerank methodolgy, Dennis Edell wrote a comment that got me to thinking
Excellent advice indeed! i recently read a post from Lynn Terry entitled ?Stop linking to your home page!? and it hit many where they feel it lol.
So many people are missing the boat here. Think of blog commenting as a prime example?put a sub-page in the URL field!
If the sub-field link is relevant to to the post your commenting on, that?s maximum goodness! But not always possible
Why is this a tactic I did not think of before and how come I do not see others using it more often. I click people’s name all the time to find out who they are and what not. As a matter of fact, I use it to discover a lot of great things. If you don’t have a related topic, you could point it to your most popular post or one you think should be popular. You could also leave reference to your related post in the bottom of your comment.
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You can do some great things with this concept as you know your are already working with a targeted audience.
Posted in Blogging, Discussions •