Adding Facebook to Sociable 2.0 For WordPress
December 23rd, 2007 After posting the instructions for adding mixx to sociable 2.0., Matthew Peters from Pandemic Blog requested the needed code for facebook. I honestly don’t use facebook much as I just hate pictures, but in due time I will get into it. Anyway, here are the images and manual edits needed for adding facebook to sociable 2.0 for WordPress.
The Icon
This icon needs to be uploaded to wp-content/plugins/sociable/images to work properly.
You can right click and save image as.
The Manual Edits for Sociable.php
Open wp-content/plugins/sociable/sociable.php
[php] ‘DZone’ => Array(
‘favicon’ => ‘dzone.png’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘description’ => ‘description’,
Below on a new line add this
[php] ‘Facebook’ => Array(
‘favicon’ => ‘facebook.png’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
Upload sociable.php and you should be done.
Don’t forget to activate it in WP-Admin.